
    Morphological analysis and fecundity evaluation of Cipangopaludina chinensis and Ellamya purificata

    • 摘要:
      目的 近年来,随着外来物种入侵的面积逐渐扩大,野生纯种田螺资源不断遭受破坏,因此开展田螺遗传育种和产业化发展工作迫在眉睫。由于田螺螺壳没有明显的第二性征,如何快速有效地判断田螺的性别成为育种难题。本研究旨在建立一个科学高效的形态学判别模型,控制中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinensis)和梨形环棱螺(Ellamya purificata)雌雄性别比例,从而提高其繁殖效率。
      方法 以中国圆田螺和梨形环棱螺为试验对象,对其开展形态学分析和繁殖力研究。通过测量其体质量、壳高、壳宽等指标,并进行方差和Fisher逐步判别分析,建立2种螺的雌雄个体判别模型。进一步探究2种螺的不同雌雄性别比例与繁殖力之间的关系,设置1.0∶1.0、1.5∶1.0和2.0∶1.0 三组不同雌雄比例繁殖试验组。
      结果 中国圆田螺雄螺的判别模型为F1=−1.967X1+2.965X2+2.756X3−75.999,雌螺为F2= −2.256X1+2.096X2+4.091X3−78.587;梨形环棱螺雄螺的判别模型为F1= 1.216X2+3.315X4+2.899X6−64.443,雌螺为F2= 2.435X2+ 4.247X4−0.547X6−58.138。经回判验证,梨形环棱螺雌雄个体综合判断准确率为95.9%,中国圆田螺雌雄个体综合判断准确率为94.5%。2种螺的生殖力跟踪研究结果显示,不同品种和不同雌雄比例的繁殖力均有所不同,其中中国圆田螺的产籽螺数量呈逐渐降低趋势,而梨形环棱螺的产籽螺数量相对稳定;梨形环棱螺的产籽螺能力强于中国圆田螺,其繁殖力约为中国圆田螺的5~7倍。2种螺适宜的雌雄比例为1.0∶1.0~1.5∶1.0,当雌雄比例达到2.0∶1.0时,雌螺产籽螺的能力明显减弱。
      结论 本试验通过检测分析获得中国圆田螺和梨形环棱螺不同雌雄个体的判别模型,其准确率均在94.0%以上。进一步通过繁殖力检测,获得中国圆田螺和梨形环棱螺最适的雌雄个体养殖比例为1.0∶1.0~1.5∶1.0。
      意义 研究结果为2种螺的人工繁育和养殖提供重要参考,对于推动淡水螺类人工养殖产业的科学发展具有重要的指导意义。


      Objective In recent years, as the encroachment of non-native species continues to expand, the native Viviparidae populations have faced significant threats, immediate action is needed for genetic conservation and commercial cultivation. The challenge lies in the lack of distinct sexual dimorphism in the shells of these freshwater snails, which complicates the rapid and accurate determination of gender—a critical aspect of successful breeding programs. To address this issue, the study aims to develop a sophisticated morphometric discrimination model that can accurately assess the sex of both Cipangopaludina chinensis and Ellamya purificata. This will enable us to manage their population sex ratios more effectively and enhance their reproductive success, ultimately contributing to the preservation and sustainable use of these valuable aquatic resources.
      Methods This study delves into the morphological characteristics and reproductive potential of two distinct species within the Viviparidae family. Through meticulous measurements of various physical attributes such as body mass, shell dimensions including height and width, the study have constructed robust discriminant models for distinguishing between males and females of both species. These models are based on variance analysis and Fisher’s stepwise discriminant method. Furthermore, to elucidate the correlation between varying sex ratios and fecundity in these Viviparidae species, the study had designed an experimental setup comprising three breeding cohorts with controlled sex ratios of 1.0∶1.0, 1.5∶1.0, and 2.0∶1.0, respectively. This approach allows the auther to systematically investigate how changes in the proportion of males to females impact the reproductive output of each species.
      Results In the discriminative model of C. chinensis male snail: F1=−1.967X1+2.965X2+2.756X3−75.999; female snail: F2=−2.256X1+2.096X2+ 4.091X3−78.587; in the discriminative model of E. purificata, male snail: F1=1.216X2+3.315X4+2.899X6−64.443; female snail: F2=2.435X2+4.247X4−0.547X6−58.138. After a meticulous verification process through backtracking, it had been determined that the overall accuracy rate for distinguishing between male and female individuals of E. purificata standed at an impressive 95.9%. Similarly, the comprehensive accuracy rate for identifying the gender of C. chinensis individuals reached a commendable 94.5%. The detailed investigation into the fecundity dynamics within the Viviparidae family revealed intriguing variations not only among different species but also with respect to varying male-to-female ratios. Specifically, the study observed a gradual decline in the number of reproductive Viviparidae within the population of C. chinensis, whereas this figure remained comparatively steady for E. purificata. Notably, the reproductive potential of E. purificata outperformed that of C. chinensis, boasting a fecundity level approximately five to seven times higher. Optimal reproductive success was achieved with a sex ratio ranging from 1.0∶1.0 to 1.5∶1.0; however, once the sex ratio escalated to 2.0∶1.0, there was a marked reduction in fecundity capabilities.
      Conclusion In this experiment, the discriminant models of different male and female individuals were obtained by detection and analysis, and the accuracy rate was over 94.0%. Through the fecundity test, it was found that the optimal sex ratio was between 1.0∶1.0 and 1.5∶1.0.
      Significance The results provide important reference for artificial breeding and breeding of the two kinds of Viviparidae, and have important guiding significance for promoting the scientific development of freshwater Viviparidae artificial breeding industry.


