
    Study on the isolation and antifouling activity of the deep-sea sediment-derived microorganisms

    • 摘要:
      背景 海洋污损生物对养殖业具有严重危害,当前用于防除污损生物的重金属基防污剂污染海洋环境,急需开发环保防污剂。天然活性物质是环保防污剂的重要来源。
      目的 从深海沉积物中分离并筛选出具有防污活性的微生物资源。
      方法 本研究从深海不同底质的沉积物中分离纯化微生物,并以海洋污损生物沙筛贝(Mytilopsis sallei)稚体和多室草苔虫(Bugula neritina)幼体为检测生物,检测其发酵液和菌体代谢产物的防污活性,并观察各提取物对沙筛贝的后遗效应。
      结果 从6种底质沉积物中共分离获得10个属15株微生物,其中海杆菌属(Marinobacter)为优势菌群。B2(Alteromonas sp.)、C1(Marinobacter sp.)、C2(Escherichia sp.)、E1(Pseudoalteromonas sp.)、E2(Marinobacter sp.)和F2(Flagellimonas sp.)菌株的提取物抑制沙筛贝稚体的附着,B1(Marinomonas sp.)、B2(Alteromonas sp.)、C2(Escherichia sp.)、C3(Marinobacter sp.)和E2(Marinobacter sp.)菌株的提取物抑制多室草苔虫幼体的附着。其中,F2(Flagellimonas sp.)菌株的菌体和C1(Marinobacter sp.)、E2(Marinobacter sp.)菌株的发酵液提取物对沙筛贝无后遗效应,表明其毒性较低。
      结论 本研究从深海沉积物中共获得8株具有防污活性的微生物,其中F2、C1、E2菌株在海洋环保防污领域具有开发潜力。


      Background Marine fouling organisms pose severe problems to aquaculture. However, the metal-based antifoulants pollute marine environment. Thus, environmentally friendly alternatives are urgently needed. Natural antifouling products are important sources of environmentally friendly antifoulants.
      Objective The aim of this study is to screen out the deep-sea microbial resources with antifouling activity.
      Methods Here the microorganisms from the different sediments of the deep sea were isolated and the antifouling activity of their fermentation extracts was tested using the settlement assays with the mussel Mytilopsis sallei juveniles and the bryozoan Bugula neritina larvae. Furthermore, the residual effect of the microbial extracts on M. sallei juveniles were examined.
      Results The results showed that 15 microorganisms of 10 genera were isolated from 6 types of the deep-sea sediments. Marinobacter was the dominant bacterial group. The extracts of strains B2 (Alteromonas sp.), C1 (Marinobacter sp.), C2 (Escherichia sp.), E1 (Pseudoalteromonas sp.), E2 (Marinobacter sp.) and F2 (Flagellimonas sp.) inhibited settlement of M. sallei juveniles, and the extracts of the strains B1 (Marinomonas sp.), B2 (Alteromonas sp.), C2 (Escherichia sp.), C3 (Marinobacter sp.) and E2 (Marinobacter sp.) inhibited larval settlement of B. neritina. The cell extracts of strains F2 (Flagellimonas sp.) and fermentation broth extracts of C1 (Marinobacter sp.) and E2 (Marinobacter sp.) showed no residual effect on M. sallei juveniles, indicating their low toxicity.
      Conclusion Eight strains of antifouling bacteria are isolated from deep-sea sediments, among which strains F2, C1, and E2 demonstrate potential in the field of environmentally friendly marine antifouling.


