
    Probiotics and their impact on mitigating high-temperature stress responses in farmed fish

    • 摘要:
      背景 温度是影响养殖鱼类生存的关键因素,随着全球气候变暖,高温胁迫引发鱼类应激反应,造成鱼类肠道微生物群结构被破坏,进而影响其肠道健康,降低其免疫抗病力。益生菌被广泛用于水产养殖业,在促进养殖鱼类生长和免疫等方面发挥重要作用,其在减轻高温胁迫对养殖鱼类产生的影响方面也展现出一定潜力。
      进展 本文阐述高温对养殖鱼类生理代谢、免疫机能、摄食行为及生殖发育的影响,概述益生菌常见种类及其制剂、应用范围与效果,在缓解养殖鱼类高温应激反应中的作用,归纳了益生菌对养殖鱼类的作用途径与机制,旨在为益生菌的后续应用及相关研究提供参考。
      结论 益生菌在应对养殖鱼类高温应激时发挥积极作用,包括缓解应激、提高抗病力和优化肠道菌群结构。
      展望 未来可从宿主益生菌筛选、应激调控效果研究和益生菌功能改造等方面深入探索,为益生菌在水产养殖中的应用提供支撑。


      Background Temperature is a key factor affecting the survival of farmed fish. With global warming, high-temperature stress triggers a stress response that leads to the destruction of the fish intestinal microbiota structure. This in turn affects fish intestinal health and reduces their immune resistance to disease. Probiotics are widely used in aquaculture and play an important role in promoting the growth and immunity of farmed fish. They also show certain potential in alleviating the impact of high-temperature stress on farmed fish.
      Progress This paper describes the effects of high temperature on the physiological metabolism, immune function, feeding behavior and reproductive development of cultured fish, summarizes the common types and preparations of probiotics, their application scopes and effects, and their role in alleviating the high-temperature stress of cultured fish, and summarizes the action pathways and mechanisms of probiotics on cultured fish, aiming to provide reference for the subsequent application and related research of probiotics.
      Conclusion Probiotics exhibit a beneficial impact on mitigating high-temperature stress in aquacultured fish by alleviating stress, enhancing disease resistance, and optimizing the gut microbiota composition.
      Prospect In the future, further exploration can be undertaken focusing on the screening of host-specific probiotics, investigating the effects of stress regulation, and exploring the functional transformation of probiotics. This will aim to provide robust support for the application of probiotics in aquaculture practices.


