
    Distribution and sources of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments adjacent to land-based sewage outlets to the sea of Fujian Province

    • 摘要:
      目的 海洋沉积物是多环芳烃的主要环境归宿之一,目前对陆源入海排污口海域多环芳烃(PAHs)的研究比较少。本研究于2018年—2020年采集了6个福建近岸陆源入海排污口邻近海域的27个沉积物样品,旨在了解其沉积物中PAHs的污染水平及主要来源。
      方法 利用气相色谱-质谱联用仪对沉积物中的PAHs含量和组成进行研究,分析该海域沉积物中PAHs的分布特征、来源,并对PAHs的生态风险进行评价。
      结果 研究结果显示:该海域PAHs的含量范围为70.5~508.9 ng/g,平均值为195.9 ng/g,各排污口邻近海域沉积物中PAHs含量总体较低,但差别较大;主要受排污口位置影响,与排污类型无显著相关。陆源入海排污口可能是福建近岸PAHs的重要输入来源。生活污水和火力发电、石油加工排污口的沉积物中PAHs各环数占比接近,纺织印染、电镀和漂染排污口沉积物中PAHs各环数占比差异较大。通过不同环数PAHs的相对丰度和异构体比值分析显示,不同类型的排污口邻近海域沉积物中PAHs的来源不尽相同,主要来源是燃烧源。生态风险评价结果显示,研究海域PAHs对生物体极少产生负面生态效应,潜在生态风险很小。
      结论 福建近岸陆源入海排污口邻近海域沉积物中PAHs含量差别很大,但与排污类型无显著相关,主要来源是燃烧源,其潜在生态风险很小。


      Objective Sea sediment is one of the major environment fates of poly aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). The research of PAHs in sea area adjacent to land-based discharge outlets is rare. This study aims to investigate the PAHs pollution level and major resource in sediments adjacent to land-based sewage outlets to the sea of Fujian province.
      Methods Concentrations of PAHs were determined for 27 sediment samples collected from sea area adjacent to 6 land-based sewage outlets of Fujian Province from 2018 to 2020 by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry method.
      Results The spatial distribution and sources of PAHs were studied and the ecological risk of PAHs was assessed. The results revealed that the concentration of PAHs were in the range of 70.5~508.9 ng/g with mean of 195.9 ng/g, which was low compared to the concentration of other coastal sediments. The PAHs concentrations were determined by the location of the sewage outlets instead of the type of the outlets. PAHs from sewage outlet discharge may be the important input resource of Fujian coastal sediments. The proportions of different rings of PAHs were comparable in the sewage outlet, thermal power station effluent, and oil refinery discharge; however, these proportions differed significantly in the textile printing and dyeing effluent, electroplating outlet, and bleaching and dyeing discharge. By analysis of the relative abundance of rings and isomer ratio of PAHs, it was found that the sources of PAHs in sediments adjacent to land-based sewage outlets were different, mainly related to the discharged sewage; and the major source was combustion source. The ecological risk assessment revealed that PAHs in the coastal sediment environment posed minimal ecological risk, exerting few adverse effects on living organisms.
      Conclusion In summary, concentrations of PAHs in sediments of adjacent to land-based sewage outlets to the sea of Fujian province were low and varied among different sea areas. The major source of PAHs was combustion source. PAHs in coastal sediment environment had few negative ecological effects to the living organisms with minimum ecological risk.


