
    Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of chlorophyll-a in surface seawater of eastern Guangdong Province

    • 摘要:
      目的 目前,粤东海域赤潮的应对措施仅停留在人工跟踪监测,存在巨大的空间约束和时间延迟。本研究旨在为粤东海域赤潮的常态化监测预警提出建议。
      方法 基于2021年—2023年粤东海域9个航次的监测数据,分析叶绿素a浓度分布及其与环境因子的关系, 结合入海河流、区域洋流及养殖分布等多源信息,讨论该海域浮游植物的分布特征。
      结果 1)粤东海域叶绿素a平均浓度表现为河口区>养殖区>外海区,夏季>春季>秋季,汕头>汕尾>潮州>揭阳。2)入海河流带来的冲淡效应降低了河口区暴发赤潮的可能性,区域洋流对外海浮游植物的生长具有反向作用,养殖区受入海河流和外海洋流双向挤压,加之鱼、贝的养殖带来的营养物质,更易发生赤潮。3)汕头海域在赤潮暴发的溯源上有多方面原因,其中潮州柘林湾富营养化的情况较为严重,但其环境变化较小,近3年没有暴发赤潮;揭阳、汕尾海域的浮游植物生长营养物质更多依靠外海的输入。4)粤东海域表层海水叶绿素a浓度的高值区主要集中在柘林湾、南澳岛至汕头港区、练江入海口区和碣石湾4个区域。
      结论 粤东4市应根据海区浮游植物的分布状况,建立起多中心的赤潮预警监测站点,其中汕头应关注河口及养殖区的情况;潮州应考虑养殖类型的影响;汕尾应考虑碣石湾内部变化情况;揭阳则应考虑洋流影响。本研究为粤东海域赤潮的常态化监测提供参考资料。


      Objective Current response measures for red tides in the eastern Guangdong coastal waters remain limited to manual tracking and monitoring, which suffer from significant spatial constraints and temporal delays. This study aims to propose recommendations for the regular monitoring and early warning of red tides in the eastern Guangdong coastal waters.
      Methods Based on monitoring data from 9 cruises conducted in the eastern Guangdong sea area from 2021 to 2023, the distribution of chlorophyll-a concentration and its relationship with environmental factors were analyzed. Multiple sources of information, including river inflows, regional ocean currents, and aquaculture distribution, were integrated to discuss phytoplankton distribution patterns in the region.
      Results 1) The average chlorophyll-a concentration follows the pattern: estuarine area > aquaculture area > offshore area; summer > spring > autumn; Shantou City>Shanwei City>Chaozhou City>Jieyang City. 2) The dilution effect of river inflow reduced the likelihood of red tide outbreaks in estuarine zones. Regional ocean currents had a reverse impact on the growth of offshore phytoplankton. Aquaculture zones, subjected to dual pressures from river inflows and ocean currents, combined with nutrient enrichment from fish and shellfish farming, were more prone to red tide outbreaks. 3) Red tide outbreaks in Shantou were attributed to multiple factors. The eutrophication in Zhelin Bay of Chaozhou was severe but relatively stable, with no red tides reported in the past three years. Phytoplankton growth in Jieyang and Shanwei relied more on nutrient inputs from offshore sources. 4) High chlorophyll-a concentration areas were mainly located in Zhelin Bay, the area from Nan’ao Island to Shantou Port, the Lianjiang Estuary, and Jieshi Bay.
      Conclusion The four coastal cities in eastern Guangdong should establish a multi-center red tide monitoring and early warning system tailored to regional phytoplankton distribution. Shantou should prioritize estuary and aquaculture zones, Chaozhou should address impacts of aquaculture types, Shanwei should focus on internal dynamics of Jieshi Bay, and Jieyang should account for ocean current influences. This study provides reference materials for the normalized monitoring of red tide in the eastern Guangdong waters.


