
    Study on the annual variation of crab species diversity in spring in the waters near Zhongjieshan Islands, Zhejiang Province

    • 摘要:
      目的 研究中街山列岛附近海域春季蟹类物种多样性的年间变化。
      方法 本文根据2016年—2020年春季(4月)底拖网渔业资源调查资料,应用资源量指数、相对重要性指数、生物多样性指数、种类数更替率、资源贡献率和冗余分析等方法,研究该海域春季蟹类的种类组成、种类数更替、优势种、资源量指数、群落稳定性、优势种的资源贡献率,及其与环境因子之间的关系等。
      结果 研究表明,5年春季共捕获蟹类14种,分别隶属于1目6科9属,其中2016年8种,2017年6种,2018年10种,2019年和2020年各9种;相邻年间的种类数更替幅度在36.36%~44.44%之间;生物量和丰度均以2018年为最高,生物量最低出现在2016年,而丰度最低为2019年;三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)、日本蟳(Charybdis japonica)和双斑蟳(C. bimaculata)均为5年的共同优势种,其中经济种三疣梭子蟹和日本蟳对蟹类生物量的总贡献率在各年均超过54%;丰富度和均匀度最高均为2018年,而多样性最高出现在2019年,多样性和均匀度最低均为2017年,而丰富度最低出现在2020年;三疣梭子蟹、日本蟳的丰度与海水底层溶解氧呈显著的正相关(P<0.05),而与水深、海水底层盐度均呈显著的负相关(P<0.05),双斑蟳的丰度与海水底层温度呈显著的正相关(P<0.05)。
      结论 2016年—2020年春季中街山列岛附近海域蟹类群落处于受干扰程度较轻状态。


      Objective This study aims to examine the interannual variation in the species diversity of crabs in the waters around Zhongjieshan Islands, Zhejiang Province during spring.
      Methods Based on the bottom trawl fishery resource survey data in spring (April) from 2016 to 2020, the abundance density index, relative importance index, biodiversity index, species turnover rate, abundance density contribution rate, and redundancy analysis method (RDA) were applied to study the species composition, species turnover, dominant species, abundance density status, community stability, contribution of dominant species to the abundance density of crabs during spring, and their relationships with environmental factors, respectively.
      Results The study showed that a total of 14 species of crabs, belonging to 1 order, 6 families and 9 genera, were caught in spring over the five years, among which, 8 species were caught in 2016, 6 species were caught in 2017, 10 species were caught in 2018, and 9 species were caught in each of 2019 and 2020. The turnover rate of the number of species between the adjacent years ranged from 36.36% to 44.44%. Both biomass and number density were the highest in 2018, with the lowest biomass occurring in 2016 and the lowest number density in 2019. Portunus trituberculatus, Charybdis japonica and C. bimaculata were all co-dominant species over the five years, in which the total contribution of P. trituberculatus and C. japonica to crab biomass was more than 54% in each year. The richness and evenness were both the highest in 2018, while the highest diversity occurs in 2019, and both diversity and evenness were the lowest in 2017, while the richness was the lowest in 2020. The abundance of P. trituberculatus and C. japonica showed a significant positive correlation with dissolved oxygen (DO) at the bottom of seawater (P<0.05), and a significant negative correlation with water depth and bottom seawater salinity (P<0.05), while the abundance of C. bimaculata showed a significant positive correlation with bottom seawater temperature (P<0.05).
      Conclusion The crabs community in the waters around the Zhongjieshan Islands in spring of 2016—2020 was lightly disturbed.


